
Integrate Paysafecash - a prepaid payment method for consumers who want to pay online quickly and safely using cash. Give access to online shopping possible to those consumers who do not have access to credit cards or do not want to use them for online payments.

Payment Method Properties

Processing (Presentation) currenciesAUD,CAD,CHF,EUR,GBP,NOK,PLN,RON,SEK,USD
Settlement currenciesCAD, CHF, CZK, EUR, GBP, HUF, PLN, RON, SEK, USD
Consumer currenciesCAD, CHF, CZK, EUR, GBP, HUF, PLN, RON, SEK, USD
Channel member tagpaysafecash
Scheme name in the settlement filePaysafecash
Minimum transaction amountEUR 0.01 or equivalent
Maximum transaction amountEUR 1000 or equivalent
Session timeout72 hours. Configurable
Refund ValidityDefault 45 days ( can be modified on request)
Integration TypeAsynchronous



The session timeout timeframe is configurable via payment request.

Transaction Flow

  1. The consumer selects Paysafecash as the preferred payment option.
  2. The barcode app is displayed.
  3. The consumer logs in with their Paysafecash credentials.
  4. A transaction-specific barcode is generated. It can be displayed online, on the Paysafecash app, in an e-mail, SMS, or iOS / Android passbook file. Consumers can also download it.
  5. The consumer brings the barcode to a payment point for scanning.
  6. The consumer pays the transaction amount.
  7. The money is assigned to the transaction.
  8. Paysafecard captures the payment.
  9. After successfully verifying the notification, the merchant completes the transaction in their database and delivers the product/service to the customer.



The consumer has 30 minutes to log in and generate the barcode.

Paysafecash Integration

Specific input parameters for the TRANSACTION call

Field NameM/O/CTypeRegexDescription
specin.consumerrefMascii/^.{1,50}$/Unique reference identifying the consumer, maximum 50 characters
specin.min_ageOnumeric/^[\d]{1,3}$/Restricts payments to my paysafecard consumers only, who are the specified age or older. Note: The consumer must have a registered my paysafecard account
specin.kyc_levelO/^FULL|SIMPLE$/The KYC level of the customer's my paysafecard account. Depending on the country, my paysafecard accounts require SIMPLE, FULL customer identification or both.

The following values are valid:
specin.country_restrictionOasciiN/AThe two-letter country code used to restrict payments to residents of a particular country. Make sure you use a valid country code.
specin.emailOasciiValid RFC 5321 emailValid RFC 5321 email address of the shopper

For standard input parameters, see Input parameters for the TRANSACTION call.

Specific output parameters for the TRANSACTION call

There are no specific output parameters for the TRANSACTION call.

For standard output parameters, see Output parameters for the TRANSACTION call.

Specific input parameters for the REFUND call

Field NameTypeDescription
specin.emailMValid RFC 5321 email address

Required regardless of if the email is provided in the transaction call

TRANSACTION call input


TRANSACTION call output


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