Redirect Flow

Technical flow

  1. When checking out on the Merchant’s website, the consumer selects the Bancomat pay.
  2. Merchant sends the payment request to PPRO.
  3. PPRO redirects the consumer to a page to enter the mobile number that they used to register with Bancomat pay.
  4. Bancomat pay calls up the Issuer Bank system to check on the validity of the mobile number. If it’s valid the issuer bank so sends a push notification to the consumer’s mobile banking App.
  5. The consumer clicks the notification to activate the App to confirm the payment detail.
  6. The consumer authorises the payment.
  7. The issuer bank checks the amount in the bank account and approve or decline the request.
  8. The payment result is displayed in the App to the consumer and the result notification is sent to PPRO and merchant.

Shopper Journey

  1. The consumer selects Bancomat Pay on the merchant's checkout page.
  2. The consumer is redirected to a PPRO HPP where they type in their mobile number to initiate the payment.
  3. The consumer then receives a push notification on their mobile, by clicking the notification the mobile device the banking app is launched.
  4. The consumer logs into their banking app.
  5. The details of the transaction appear on the banking app and the consumer confirms the payment.
  6. HPP displays the payment result to the consumer.