Afterpay / Clearpay

Afterpay is an interest-free Buy Now Pay Later product. Consumers can choose to Pay-in-4 interest-free instalments or, for qualified Afterpay consumers, an additional repayment option during checkout allows them to pay over 6 or 12 monthly instalments, available exclusively for US consumers. With a global payback rate of 95% early or on time, transparent spending limits, and capped late fees, Afterpay aims to unlock growth for merchants and prevent overspending for the consumer. In the UK, Afterpay operates under the name ClearPay.

Payment Method Properties

Available country codesUS, UK
Processing (Presentation) currenciesUSD, GBP
Settlement currenciesUSD, GBP
Consumer currenciesUSD, GBP
Channel member tagafterpay
Scheme name in the settlement fileAfterpay/Clearpay
Minimum transaction amountUSD 1 (Pay-in-4)
USD 400 (Monthly Payments)
GBP 1 (Pay-in-4)
Maximum transaction amountUSD 2,000 (Pay-in-4)
USD 4,000 (Monthly Payments)
GBP 1,200 (Pay-in-4)
Session timeout4 hours
Multiple partial
Refund Validity120 days
Integration TypeAsynchronous


Disputes / Chargebacks

A consumer could raise a dispute with Afterpay or chargeback with their issuer when they are unable to resolve the situation directly with the merchant. Afterpay will subsequently submit a request to PPRO inquiring about the transaction. PPRO notifies the PSP/merchant to provide full details and supporting documents for dispute/chargeback. The PSP/merchant is required to provide a response to PPRO within 7 business days. If the case is ruled in the favour of the consumer, the funds for the dispute/chargeback will then be deducted from one of PPRO’s next settlements. For more information see the Afterpay Chargebacks.

Transaction Flow

PPRO supports the immediate payment flow. The entire order total will be captured in full automatically as part of the transaction call.

  1. The consumer selects to pay with Afterpay in the merchant checkout
  2. The merchant sends the Transaction request to the PSP
  3. PSP sends the Transaction request to PPRO
  4. A Create Checkout Request is sent to Afterpay
  5. A Create Checkout Response is returned along with the redirect checkout URL
  6. A redirect URL is built and sent to the PSP
  7. PSP sends redirect URL to Merchant
  8. Merchant forwards the redirect URL to the consumer's browser
  9. Consumer is shown the Afterpay page to sign-in/sign-up and approve the order
  10. Afterpay notify PPRO of order status
  11. A Capture Full Payment request is sent to Afterpay automatically and immediately by PPRO
  12. A Capture Full Payment response is returned indicating the status of the capture
  13. PPRO redirects the consumer back to the merchant’s web page and displays the result
  14. A notification is sent to the PSP informing of a status update


Specific input parameters for the TRANSACTION call

Field NameM/O/CTypeRegexDescription
specin.emailMString.*Consumer's email
specin.orderidMString.*Merchant order reference number (ID) provided to consumer
M - if billing object is present
String.*Billing first name

Recommended field to pass as it may improve approval and conversion rates
M - if billing object is present
String.*Billing last name

Recommended field to pass as it may improve approval and conversion rates
M - if billing object is present
String.*First line of the billing address

Recommended field to pass as it may improve approval and conversion rates
specin.billingaddrline2O String.*Second line of the billing address
M - if billing object is present
String.*US, UK: City

Recommended field to pass as it may improve approval and conversion rates
specin.billingadminarea2OString.*UK only: Suburbs
M - if billing object is present
String.*US: State
UK: County

Recommended field to pass as it may improve approval and conversion rates
M - if billing object is present
String.*ZIP or postal code of the billing address

Recommended field to pass as it may improve approval and conversion rates
M - if billing object is present
String.*The two-character ISO 3166-1 country code

Recommended field to pass as it may improve approval and conversion rates
M - if shipping object is present
String.*Shipping first name

Recommended field to pass as it may improve approval and conversion rates
M - if shipping object is present
String.*Shipping last name

Recommended field to pass as it may improve approval and conversion rates
M - if shipping object is present
String.*First line of the shipping address

Recommended field to pass as it may improve approval and conversion rates
specin.shippingaddrline2OString.*Second line of the shipping address
M - if shipping object is present
String.*US, UK: City

Recommended field to pass as it may improve approval and conversion rates
specin.shippingadminarea2OString.*UK only: Suburbs
M - if shipping object is present
String.*US: State
UK: County

Recommended field to pass as it may improve approval and conversion rates
M - if shipping object is present
String.*ZIP or postal code of the shipping address

Recommended field to pass as it may improve approval and conversion rates
M - if shipping object is present
String.*The two-character ISO 3166-1 country code

Recommended field to pass as it may improve approval and conversion rates
transientin.orderitemsOStringStringified JSON arrayAn array of items in the consumer's cart that is being purchased, where each item has the following attributes:

name : the name of the item
price - unit price of the item (note: in major units)
quantity: quantity of the item bought, in integer
currency - currency of the unit price, ISO-4217 format

For example: [{"name":"Blue Carabiner","quantity":1,"price":" 40.00","currency":"USD"},{"name":"Jeans","quantity":1," price":"20.00","currency":"USD"}]

In the above example, there are two items in the basket as shown below.

Item 1
Name: Blue Carabiner
Quantity: 1
Unit price: 40.00
Currency: USD

Item 2
Name: Jeans
Quantity: 1
Unit price: 20.00
Currency: USD

Recommended field to pass as it may improve approval and conversion rates and help in investigation, if any dispute/chargeback arises

For standard input parameters, see Input parameters for the TRANSACTION call.

Specific output parameters for the TRANSACTION call

Field NameTypeDescription
specout.minAmtStringThe minimum amount returned from the Get Configuration call from Afterpay

May not be included if the Merchant account has no minimum order amount
specout.maxAmtStringThe maximum amount returned from the Get Configuration call from Afterpay
specout.orderidStringMerchant reference number (ID) provided to consumer

For standard output parameters, see Output parameters for the TRANSACTION call.

TRANSACTION call input

&accountholdername=Test User
&specin.billingaddrline1=123 Test Street
&specin.billingaddrline2=Apartment 1
&specin.billingadminarea1=Los Angeles
&specin.shippingaddrline1=123 Test Street
&specin.shippinggaddrline2=Apartment 1
&specin.shippingadminarea1=Los Angeles
&transientin.orderitems=[{"name":"Blue Carabiner","quantity":1,"price":"40.00","currency":"USD"},{"name":"Jeans","quantity":1,"price":"20.00","currency":"USD"}]

TRANSACTION call output


Test Data

For test consumer account credentials, click here.