The clearing statement

The clearing statement is a PDF including the aggregated sums per account and currencies. If the payout amount is negative, the clearing statement is an invoice. The statement also shows pay-out amounts and fees. This PDF report is based on the transaction data in PPRO’s processing system.

The clearing (or invoice) statement has a structured continuous naming. The naming convention for the statement is built:

<Merchant Number>-<Frequency>-<Year>-<Ongoing Number>-<Statement Type>

Example: 1-999-W-2016-07-C0.pdf

1Single-digitThe PPRO entity. Possible values:
1 - PPRO (default)
106 - PPRO Mexico
107 - PPRO Brazil
Merchant NumberConsists of 3 or 4 numbers separated by a dashPPRO internal identifier of merchant/PSP/Referrer
Frequency“D” for daily
“W” for weekly,
“M” for monthly
Indicates settlement frequency for the merchants/payment method type contained in a file
Year4-digit yearYear of the settlement period
Ongoing Number1-, 2-, or 3-digit numberA value of n indicates that this is the n-th settlement of this settlement period
Statement TypeC0/I0Indicates if it is a clearing (C0) or invoice (I0)

The statement is divided into different areas:

  • Summary for currency
  • Intermediate summary for currency
  • Details for CONTRACT (where CONTRACT is the PPRO-assigned Merchant Contract ID)

Clearing statement summary (sample) for EUR

In this case position 5 (Total amount due) shows the amount which you receive from PPRO in Euro (EUR) if positions 2 and 3 are subtracted from position 1. If a client uses payments with different currencies e.g. USD, GBP, etc. the payments would also be visible in this part of the invoice (e.g.: Summary For Currency USD).

The “Holdback” describes the amount of money that PPRO has to hold back to cover chargebacks or payouts.

Clearing statement intermediate summary for EUR

This part of the invoice is separated into two parts: In the first part “Transaction Volume” shows the EUR amount which the client receives from PPRO listed by payment scheme per merchant contract identifier. In this example, the merchant contract identifier is TESTCONTRACT.

The second part, “Transaction Fees“, shows the fees for each payment scheme which was processed via each MerchantContract.

If multiple currencies are used, separate per-currency sections, like the EUR sample above, will be shown in this part of the document.

Clearing statement details for a merchant contract

This section highlights the individual fees assessed to a merchant (in this case, TESTCONTRACT).