
PayU is an online bank transfer payment method. Consumers log in to their online banking environment. They review the payment details and authorize the payment of the funds to be credited directly to the payee's account.

Payment Method Properties

Available country codesPL, CZ
Processing (Presentation) currenciesPLN, CZK
Settlement currenciesPLN, CZK
Consumer currenciesPLN, CZK
Channel member tagpayu
Scheme name in the settlement filePayU
Minimum transaction amountPLN 1, CZK 3
Maximum transaction amountIt depends on the bank. Usually 999999.99
Session timeout1 hour
RefundFull, partial and multiple partial refunds are all available.
Refund Validity365 days
Integration TypeAsynchronous

Transaction Flow

  1. The consumer selects the payment method on the merchant checkout page.
  2. They are redirected to the PayU payment page.
  3. On the payment page, they enter their bank details and approve the payment.
  4. The consumer is redirected back to the merchant.

PayU Integration

Specific input parameters for the TRANSACTION call

Field NameM/O/CTypeRegExDescription
specin.emailOascii}~])*@[a-zA-Z0-9](-.?[a-zA-Z0-9]).[a-zA-Z](-?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$The RFC-compliant email address of the account holder.

For standard input parameters, see Input parameters for the TRANSACTION call.

Specific output parameters for the TRANSACTION call

There are no specific output parameters for the TRANSACTION call.

For standard output parameters, see Output parameters for the TRANSACTION call.

TRANSACTION call input


TRANSACTION call output


Additional Information

PayU works only for the following country code/currency combinations:

  • CZ/CZK
  • PL/PLN

Branding Guidelines

For more branding information, see PayU's Brand Guidelines.