Payment Method Properties

Available country codesGlobal, except for BD, BO, DZ, KH, Crimea Region (OFAC), CU, EC, EG, ID, IR, IQ, KG, MA, NP, KP, PK, SY, VN
Processing (Presentation) currenciesEUR, GBP, USD
Settlement currenciesEUR, GBP, USD
Consumer currenciesBTC, BCH, ETH, XRP, USD for USD tokens - GUSD, USDC, BUSD, PAX
Channel member tagbitpay
Scheme name in the settlement fileBitPay
Minimum transaction amountEUR/GBP/USD 3
Maximum transaction amountno limit
Session timeout2 hours
Refund ValidityN/A
Integration TypeAsynchronous

See the documents for registering for a test bitcoin shopper wallet here

Transaction Flow

  1. The consumers choose to pay with BitPay on the merchant website.
  2. They are redirected to BitPay’s hosted payment page, where they are required to log in with their existing credentials.
  3. If the consumer is not yet registered, they are required to create an account before making the payment.
  4. The consumers scan the QR code and confirm the transaction.
  5. A transaction successful message is displayed on BitPay payment page.
  6. Consumers are redirected to the merchant and see the transaction result message on the merchant website.


Specific input parameters for the TRANSACTION call

BitPay requires no specific input parameters.

For standard input parameters, see Input parameters for the TRANSACTION call.



BitPay is available for EUR, GBP, and USD with any country code (unless blacklisted by configuration).

Specific output parameters for the TRANSACTION call

For standard output parameters, see Output parameters for the TRANSACTION call.

TRANSACTION call input


TRANSACTION call output
