Volume per transaction file description

The -volume-per-transaction.csv file includes a detail-level report of all payments across all boarded merchants within a given settlement period. This file is delivered every day when the settlement has been made along with the other 7 files describing that settlement period.

The naming convention is:

<merchant number>-<frequency>-<year>-<ongoing number>-<suffix>.csv

Example: 1-999-W-2016-07-volume-per-transaction.csv

The file contains the following data:

MERCHANT_TX_IDAn optional merchant-provided identifier for the transaction

TX_IDA PPRO-provided identifier for the transactionnumeric
PAYMENT_REFERENCEThe public identifier of the transactionstring
EVENT_TYPEThe event type specifies the transaction event which triggers a fund movement. See the table below for details of each event typestring
EVENT_TIMESTAMPISO_8601 UTC timestamp (format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ) of the eventstring
MERCHANT_IDContract ID identifying each unique merchant as provided by PPRO upon onboardingstring
PAYMENT_METHODName of the payment method (e.g. “SEPA Direct Debit”)

AMOUNTThe transaction amountnumeric
CURRENCY3-digit ISO currency code describing the amountstring
COUNTRY2-digit ISO country code describing the origin of the paymentstring

EVENT_TYPE Description

SUCCEEDEDA transaction in a technical successful state
READY*When a payment method is configured to settle on funds receipt vs settle on SUCCEEDED, this EVENT_TYPE will show. Refer to PPRO’s contract if this is relevant. Only relevant for payment methods that do not have a payment guarantee.
FUNDSRECEIVEDFor payment methods without a payment guarantee, this status highlights when PPRO has secured funds for a payment. See the Terms Of Use in your contract for more information regarding payment guarantee for every payment method.
FUNDSMISSINGFor schemes without a payment guarantee, this status highlights when funds are not secured for a payment




When files are delivered in the SFTP, they will be zipped in a gzip format (*.gz). Please ensure that your system can extract gz files before processing.