iDEAL 2.0
Integrate iDEAL and allow consumers to authorize payments from their online or mobile banking apps.
Payment Method Properties
Available country codes | NL |
Processing (Presentation) currencies | EUR |
Settlement currencies | EUR |
Consumer currencies | EUR |
Channel member tag | ideal |
Scheme name in the settlement file | Ideal |
Minimum transaction amount | EUR 0.01 |
Maximum transaction amount | Subject to transaction approval from the consumer’s bank |
Session timeout | 25 minutes |
Refund | Full, partial and multiple partial refunds are all available (Non native) |
Refund Validity | 365 days |
Chargeback | No |
Integration Type | Asynchronous |
Sandbox | Scheme Hosted use tag=idealrest |
Transaction Flow
- The consumer selects iDEAL as their preferred payment method.
- The consumer is redirected to a payment page where they are presented with an option to select their preferred bank or to scan a QR code.
- If:
- The consumer chooses a bank from the list, they are redirected to their online bank where they are requested to confirm the payment.
- The consumer scans their QR code, they must confirm the payment in the banking app.
- The merchant receives the payment confirmation.
- The merchant can ship the order/deliver the goods to the consumer.
iDEAL Integration
Specific input parameters for the TRANSACTION call
Field Name | M/O/C | Type | Regex | Description |
specin.bic | O | ascii | [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} | Valid BIC. It can only contain 8 or 11 alphanumeric characters. Must be an iDEAL issuer’s BIC as listed below. |
specin.c2ctransaction | C | ascii | (yes) | Only required if the CPSP sends C2C transaction, then the value should equal to "yes" . Mandatory if the transaction is C2C. |
specin.subcreditoriban | C | ascii | Valid IBAN | Only required if CPSP sends a C2C transaction, then IBAN of the creditor’s account. Mandatory if the transaction is C2C. |
For standard input parameters, see Input parameters for the TRANSACTION call.
Specific output parameters for the TRANSACTION call
Field Name | Type | Description |
SPECOUT.PAYMENTPURPOSE | ascii | Reflects what a consumer sees on the proof of payment |
SPECOUT.SRCACCOUNTHOLDER | ascii | Consumer's account holder name |
SPECOUT.SRCIBAN | ascii | IBAN of the consumer’s account |
SPECOUT.SRCBIC | ascii | BIC of the consumer’s account |
SPECOUT.ISSUERID | ascii | If possible to identify: BIC of the iDEAL issuer that consumer used. |
For standard output parameters, see Output parameters for the TRANSACTION call.
TRANSACTION call input
TRANSACTION call output
Additional Information
Transaction state changes
Transactions may change from any state at any time. This change occurs especially from a FAILED
is considered a stable state (see also Important note about transaction states).
Additional considerations:
The iDEAL APIs support allowing the shopper to be sent directly to the bank's page (via the specin.bic parameter). The conditions for providing the specin.bic and thereby bypassing the iDEAL payment page (HPP) are:
- Acquiring Participants (excluding C2C providers) who know the preferred bank of the payer are allowed to send in the specin.bic with the iDEAL transaction. The conditions for Acquirers and Acquiring Participants for providing the specin.bic, and thereby bypassing the iDEAL payment page, are:
- The preferred bank is known because the payer is recognised by the Acquiring Participant and the preferred bank of the payer is stored in the domain of the Acquiring Participant, for example via a user account;
- Acquiring Participants that store the preferred bank of the payer must offer the option to pay with another bank than the preferred bank. Changing of the bank can only be done via the iDEAL payment page;
- Acquiring Participants that can store a preferred bank must be able to support the most recent list of iDEAL Issuers as preferred bank within 14 days after a change (removal or addition of an Issuer).
Bypassing the HPP and redirecting straight to the iDEAL supported banks
Based on the above conditions, this requires you to send PPRO the BIC of each supported bank:
Bank Name | BIC |
Bunq | BUNQNL2A |
Knab | KNABNL2H |
N26 | NTSBDEB1 |
Nationale-Nederlanden Bank | NNBANL2G |
Rabobank | RABONL2U |
RegioBank | RBRBNL21 |
Revolut | REVOLT21 |
Triodos Bank | TRIONL2U |
Van Lanschot Kempen | FVLBNL22 |
Yoursafe | BITSNL2A |
Branding Guidelines
For information regarding branding, see the iDEAL branding guidelines.
Updated 2 months ago