Integrate Pay-easy and allow consumers to:

  • Pay at an ATM: the payment is initiated online in a checkout flow, but completed at the post office ATM with card or cash). The Pay-easy network covers almost all banks in Japan that have ATMs.
  • Pay with online banking: the payment is initiated online in a checkout flow, and completed via the online banking apps of the major Japanese banks.

The banks covered by this payment option are online banks. They are not part of the Pay-easy network

Payment Method Properties

Available country codesJP
Processing (Presentation) currenciesJPY
Settlement currenciesJPY
Consumer currenciesJPY
Channel member tagpayeasy
Scheme name in the settlement filePayeasy
Minimum transaction amountJPY 1
Maximum transaction amountPay-easy ATM: JPY 100,000

Pay-easy online banking: JPY 1,000,000
Session timeout8 days 10 mins
Refund ValidityN/A
Integration TypeAsynchronous

Transaction Flow

Pay-easy ATM

  1. The consumer selects Pay-easy as the payment option and submits the order.
  2. The consumer is redirected to a payment selection page and selects pay at ATM.
  3. The consumer receives a payment number which they either memorise or write down to take to the ATM.
  4. The consumer selects the option to pay tax and fee transfer at the ATM and enters the payment number.
  5. The consumer makes a payment with cash or card.
  6. The transaction is successful.

Pay-easy online banking

  1. The consumer selects Pay-easy as the payment option and submits the order.
  2. The consumer is redirected to the payment selection page and selects to pay via online banking.
  3. The consumer chooses the online bank of their choice and is redirected to the bank's online banking page.
  4. The consumer logs into their bank account using their account credentials, selects the account to pay with, reviews the payment details and confirms the transfer.
  5. The transaction is successful.

Pay-easy Integration

Specific input parameters for the TRANSACTION call

Field NameM/O/CTypeRegexDescription
specin.phoneMnumeric^[0-9]{10,11}$The phone number of the consumer. Hyphens, country code, or other characters (single-byte alphanumeric) are not allowed; must be between 10-11 digits.
specin.emailMutf-8N/A. Must be RFC-compliant.The email address of the account holder
specin.iteminfoMutf-8^[ -~]{1,22}$Information about the items being purchased, displayed on the payment page (up to 22 characters).

For standard input parameters, see Input parameters for the TRANSACTION call.

Specific output parameters for the TRANSACTION call

Field NameTypeDescription
SPECOUT.PAYMENTMETHODCODEasciiA unique code identifying the selected payment method.
SPECOUT.PAYMENTMETHODNAMEasciiThe human-readable name of the selected payment method.

For standard output parameters, see Output parameters for the TRANSACTION call.

TRANSACTION call input


TRANSACTION call output

&SPECOUT.PAYMENTMETHODNAME=Convenience Store via Lawson

Additional information

  • Pay-easy only works for consumers in Japan.
  • Merchant of Record (MOR) is not supported.
  • The account holder name passed in the request has to be in the format .
  • Each name’s format must be a single byte UTF-8 character set.
  • The character limit of the first name and last name is ten characters each. Japanese characters are allowed. Spaces are not permitted within the and themselves. In the case of multiple first names, valid examples include “JohnDoe Dorian” but not “John Doe Dorian”.
  • Only the first name is mandatory.
  • If these conditions are not met, the system will not accept the request.

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