Lithuania cash payments

Lithuanian Cash Payments are supported in the following locations:

  • Maxima LT cash registers (supermarket)
  • PayPost (post office)
  • Lietuvos paštas (post office)
  • Perlas Terminals
  • Through a bank transfer or cash at a bank branch of choice

Payment Method Properties

Available country codesLT
Processing (Presentation) currenciesEUR
Settlement currenciesEUR
Consumer currenciesEUR
Channel member tagmaxima, narvesen, paypost, perlas
Scheme name in the settlement fileMaxima, Narvesen, PayPost, PerlasTerminals
Minimum transaction amountEUR 0.01
Maximum transaction amountNo limit
Session timeout1 hour
Refund ValidityN/A
Integration TypeSynchronous

Transaction Flow

  1. On the merchant's checkout page, the consumer selects to pay at a convenience store.
  2. They receive a payslip containing a barcode. They can download the payslip or save it as a PDF.
  3. They pay at the convenience store.
  4. The payment is confirmed and the merchant can ship the goods.

Lithuania cash payments Integration

Specific input parameters for the TRANSACTION call

Field NameM/O/CTypeDescription
specin.emailOasciiThe RFC-compliant email address of the account holder

For standard input parameters, see Input parameters for the TRANSACTION call.



Lithuanian Cash Payments are available for currency EUR and country code LT.

Specific output parameters for the TRANSACTION call

This payment method will emit the SPECOUT.SRCIBAN output parameter.

See Well-known SPECOUT parameters for details on well-known specific output parameters.

For standard output parameters, see Output parameters for the TRANSACTION call.

TRANSACTION call input


TRANSACTION call output
