Access prerequisites

PPRO gives access to the Processing and Settlement Files exclusively through key-based authentication and SFTP SSH protocol version 2.



SFTP download is not enabled by default. You need to request it separately. Ask your account manager for more details.

Provide us at least one SSH public key from your organization (in OpenSSH format). Make sure the key is based on RSA and provides the strength of at least 2048bit. DSA keys are not accepted anymore.

We allow the use of multiple keys for multiple systems requiring access. In this case, we ask you to always send us the complete set of public keys that should have access to your CSV downloads (no deltas).

To have access to the Processing and Settlement Files:

  1. Create a valid ssh key. The example below shows a command line for creating an ssh key using OpenSSH: ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t rsa -f my_ssh_key
  2. When prompted, enter a strong passphrase. This step does not apply to scenarios where you use the key in an automated environment.
  3. Send us the resulting public key (in this example, via



If you need the fingerprint, you can see it when you create the key. You can check it anytime using the ssh-keygen tool: ssh-keygen -l -f

SFTP server details
UsernameProcessing Files: sftp<six digit number>

Settlement Files: settle<six digit number>
Key Fingerprint2048 SHA256:v6CrMDQtY+lrS76I+YKlFvQ7EZ2jadBQ53nG+iPw1Tk (RSA)

Verify the key fingerprint the first time you connect to our server. A properly configured sftp will warn you the first time you connect and ask you if you want to proceed. It will also refuse to connect in case the public ever changes.

Example of a typical first SFTP session:

sftp -oIdentityFile=my_ssh_key  
Connecting to  
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.  
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:v6CrMDQtY+lrS76I+YKlFvQ7EZ2jadBQ53nG+iPw1Tk.  
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes  
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.  
Enter passphrase for key 'my_ssh_key':


Example SFTP session:

sftp -oIdentityFile=my_ssh_key
Connecting to
Enter passphrase for key 'my_ssh_key':
Connected to
sftp> ls
20210110Z_chargeback.consolidated.csv                 20210110Z_refund_failed.consolidated.csv
20210110Z_refund_fundsrejected.consolidated.csv       20210110Z_refund_fundssent.consolidated.csv
20210110Z_refund_succeeded.consolidated.csv           20210110Z_transaction_failed.consolidated.csv
20210110Z_transaction_fundsmissing.consolidated.csv   20210110Z_transaction_fundsreceived.consolidated.csv
20210110Z_transaction_indoubt.consolidated.csv        20210110Z_transaction_pending.consolidated.csv
sftp> mget 20210110Z_chargeback.consolidated.csv
Fetching /20210110Z_chargeback.consolidated.csv to 20210110Z_chargeback.consolidated.csv
/20210110Z_chargeback.consolidated.csv 100%   92     0.1KB/s   00:00
sftp> exit

In this example, the fingerprint is already known to your system. If it isn't, check the SFTP Server details.