Boleto Bancário

PPRO offers integrations with both Banco Bradesco and Banco Itaú for cash payments in Brazil. This section is an integration guide for both. Please refer to your PPRO contract for which banking partner to use.

Payment Method Properties

Available country codesBR
Processing (Presentation) currenciesBRL
Settlement currenciesBRL
Consumer currenciesBRL
Channel member tagboletobradesco, boletoitau
Scheme name in the settlement fileBoleto Bradesco Direct, Boleto Itau Direct
Minimum transaction amountBRL 0.02
Maximum transaction amountBRL 250,000.00
Session timeoutDefault: 5 days
RefundFull and partial refunds are all available.
Refund Validity365 days
Integration TypeAsynchronous

Transaction Flow

  1. On the merchant's checkout page, the consumer selects Boleto Bancário as their preferred payment method.
  2. The consumer is presented with a slip containing the amount, payment identifier and information about the payment.
  3. The consumer prints the payslip or writes down the reference number.
  4. The consumer is redirected back to the merchant.
  5. At one of the supported locations, the consumer presents the payslip/reference number and pays the order amount.
  6. PPRO receives a payment confirmation and notifies the partner/merchant about the payment status.
  7. The merchant is notified of the payment status and can ship the goods.

Boleto Bancário Integration

Specific input parameters for the TRANSACTION call

Field NameM/O/CTypeDescription
specin.beneficiaryOutf-8Bradesco-only The beneficiary of the payment - for example, the merchant’s name and order number
specin.billingcityMutf-8City of the billing address (2-30 characters)
specin.billingpostcodeMnumeric8 digit post code of the billing address
specin.billingstateMasciiBrazilian state of the billing address; 2 letter-code
specin.billingstreetMutf-8Street of the billing address (2-50 characters)
specin.duedateOasciiDue date in YYYY-MM-DD format. Defaults to NOW + 3 days
specin.emailMutf-8RFC compliant email address of the account holder
specin.nationalidMasciiConsumer’s CPF or CNPJ tax id
specin.rendertypeOasciiHow the Boleto will be rendered: as PDF or HTML. Default: PDF
transientin.merchantlogourlOasciiBradesco-only The URL of the logo to be displayed on the payment page. Max logo size: W=1200, H=627. Max URL characters is 255.

This payment method supports the dynamic descriptor field (see The dynamic descriptor).

For standard input parameters, check Input parameters for the TRANSACTION call.



Boleto Bancário Domestic BRL Processing (Brazil) requires a Brazilian entity for settlement. Contact your account manager for more information.



This payment method requires the real account holder value for the accountholdername parameter.

Specific output parameters for the TRANSACTION call

Field NameTypeDescription
SPECOUT.DUEDATEnumericIf the Payment Service Provider enters the SPECIN.DUEDATE, they receive the SPECOUT.DUEDATE with the same values. If no SPECIN.DUEDATE is set, the PSP receives the default timeout as defined in the Clearing Contract (maximum time = 13 days).
TRANSIENTOUT.DOCUMENTasciiFor successful requests: the URL of the Boleto document.
SPECOUT.DOCUMENTCODEnumericBradesco-only: The numeric identifier of the Boleto. For example, the consumers can use this identifier to pay the Boleto with a banking app.

For standard output parameters, check Output parameters for the TRANSACTION call.

Specific input parameters for the REFUND call

Field NameM/OTypeDescription
specin.accountnumberMnumericThe consumer’s bank account number
specin.bankagencyMnumericThe consumer’s bank agency number
specin.banknameMnumericThe consumer’s bank name (minimum length of two characters)

TRANSACTION call input


TRANSACTION call output


Additional Information

Payment Description character limit

The payment description in the specin.dynamicdescriptor must be:

Itaú: Maximum 3 lines of text up to 60 characters each

Bradesco: Maximum 10 lines of text up to 60 characters each

Lines can be split by using a carriage return (enter key).

A word-wrap algorithm splits the text when you exceed the maximum number of lines or don't split the lines.

About the account holder name

The account holder name passed in the request must follow the format . The minimum length is 2 character per name. Multiple first names are accepted.


John Dorian

William Charles Dickinson (Where "William Charles" is the first name)

The system does not accept the request if these conditions are not met.

Scenarios for using the specin.duedate parameter

Setting a value for specin.duedate does not affect the default timeout of 3 days for the payment. The following use cases apply:

specin.duedate value is lower than the timeout value
In this use case, you define a more aggressive due date. If the value of specin.duedate is lower than the timeout value, a consumer not paying by the due date will not affect when PPRO sends a timeout. PPRO still sends the timeout at 3 days, as defined above.

We recommend you track the due date expiring based on the local timezone on the desired day at 23:59:59. Ignore the PPRO timeout.

specin.duedate value is greater than the timeout value
In this use case, you define a less aggressive due date. If the value of specin.duedate is greater than the timeout value, PPRO will still send the timeout message at 3 days, as defined above. This means that a consumer may successfully pay after the PPRO timeout is sent. This causes a scenario where PPRO sends a second notification to the notification URL indicating a payment's success. This is the "succeeded after failed" scenario.

We recommend you track the due date expiring based on the local timezone on the desired day at 23:59:59. Ignore the PPRO timeout.