
Integrate Multibanco and allow consumers to pay via online banking or pay in cash at a bank branch.

Payment Method Properties

Available country codesPT
Processing (Presentation) currenciesEUR
Settlement currenciesEUR
Consumer currenciesEUR
Channel member tagmultibanco
Scheme name in the settlement fileMultibanco
Minimum transaction amountNo limit
Maximum transaction amountEUR 99,999
Session timeout7 days
RefundFull, partial and multiple partial refunds are all available.
Refund Validity15 months
Integration TypeAsynchronous

Transaction Flow

Online Banking

Pay at ATM

  1. The consumer selects Multibanco on the merchant checkout page.
  2. The merchant redirects the consumer to the PPRO bank selector page.
  3. PPRO loads the page with references and instructions.
  4. The consumer chooses one of the following options:
    1. Online Banking
    2. Pay at Multibanco ATM
  5. If the consumer selects the online banking options, they provide the login details.
  6. The consumer is redirected to the bank to provide the supplier id, reference, and amount to Multibanco.
  7. Multibanco confirms the details, and the consumer is asked to authorize the payment.
  8. If the consumer selects the Multibanco ATM option, they enter the Card/PIN details.
  9. The consumer provides the supplier ID, reference, and amount. The authorization is complete.
  10. The bank sends a confirmation to Multibanco.
  11. Multibanco sends a confirmation to PPRO PPRO sends a confirmation to the merchant.
  12. The merchant confirms the successful payment to the consumer.

Multibanco Integration

Specific input parameters for the TRANSACTION call

Field NameM/ODescription
SPECIN.TIMEOUTINMINUTESOptionalCan be used to send in the request to modify the default payment timeout ( 7days). For example, if specin.timeoutinminutes = 10,_ means the transaction will expire in 10minutes if the user has not completed the payment. Accepted range is [1...10080].

For standard input parameters, see Input parameters for the TRANSACTION call.

Specific output parameters for the TRANSACTION call

Field NameTypeDescription
SPECOUT.MULTIBANCOPAYMENTREFERENCEasciiContains the payment reference of the transaction. Can be used to build your own payment slip.
SPECOUT.MULTIBANCOSERVICESUPPLIERIDasciiContains the entity reference of the transaction. Can be used to build your own payment slip.

See Well-known SPECOUT parameters for details of the general specific output parameters.

For standard output parameters, see Output parameters for the TRANSACTION call.

TRANSACTION call input

&accountholdername=John Doe

TRANSACTION call output



How do Multibanco refunds work?

There are no specific parameters needed to process a Multibanco refund. You can send a standard REFUND call for a successful existing Multibanco transaction to refund it.
Your REFUND response will contain the following SPECOUT parameters:

Field NameTypeDescription
SPECOUT.TRANSACTIONIDasciiID of the Multibanco refund. Should be visible to the consumer and thus can be used by the merchant to track the refund status.
SPECOUT.TRANSACTIONRECIPIENTIDasciiMultibanco ID of the consumer getting their funds back.