
Bizum is a mobile payment solution primarily used in Spain that allows users to send and receive money in real-time through their bank's mobile app. It operates as an instant peer-to-peer (P2P) transfer service, and merchants only need the recipient's phone number to initiate transactions, making it a convenient alternative to traditional bank transfers.

Payment Method Properties

Processing currenciesEUR
Consumer currenciesEUR
Settlement currenciesEUR
Authentication methodsAPP_NOTIFICATION, REDIRECT
Minimum payment amount0.50 EUR
Maximum payment amount999.00 EUR
Recurring paymentsNo
Separate capturesNo
RefundFull - Partial - Multiple
Refund validity365 days
Sandbox availabilityPPRO simulated

Make a Bizum Payment

One-time Bizum payments follow our standardized REDIRECT or APP_NOTIFICATIONpayment flows.


APP_NOTIFICATION takes precedence over REDIRECT and should only be provided if that is the intended flow.

To create a Bizum payment, you'll need to provide the following data at minimum when calling our /v1/payment-charges API:

Data FieldRequiredDescription
amount.valueYThe amount to be paid in the smallest units of the currency used.
consumer.nameYFull name of the consumer.
consumer.countryYThe country where the consumer is shopping.
authenticationSettings: REDIRECT
YAdd the url where the consumer should be redirected to after they complete the payment.
authenticationSettings: APP_NOTIFICATION
YThe consumer phone number to be notified for payment confirmation.
Validation: ^+[1-9][\d]{4,14}$


POST /v1/payment-charges

  "paymentMethod": "BIZUM",
  "amount": {
    "value": 1000,
    "currency": "EUR"
  "consumer": {
    "name": "John Smith",
    "country": "ES"
  "authenticationSettings": [
      "type": "REDIRECT",
      "settings": {
        "returnUrl": ""
      "type": "APP_NOTIFICATION",
      "settings": {
        "instrumentProviderIdentity": "+34700000000"


  "id": "charge_X0O78tadFHrZCbGhkycPk",
  // ...
  "authenticationMethods": [
      "type": "REDIRECT",
      "details": {
        "requestUrl": "",
        "requestMethod": "GET"


  "id": "charge_X0O78tadFHrZCbGhkycPk",
  // ...
  "authenticationMethods": [],
  "authorizations": [
      "id": "authz_ZK9uvipniCkCXXUjQCnAA",
      "amount": 1000,
      "createdAt": "2025-02-20T13:13:25.065Z",
      "updatedAt": "2025-02-20T13:13:25.065Z"

Consumer Authentication

Bizum requires consumer authentication before the payment is authorized and captured.


Redirect the consumer to the url specified in the requestUrl field. The consumer will be taken to PPRO's hosted page to provide their phone number. This will trigger a push notification from the consumer's banking app, prompting them to confirm and complete the payment.


A push notification will be immediately sent from the consumer's banking app, prompting them to confirm and complete the payment.

Handling the Payment Result


Once the consumer has provided their phone number, they are redirected to the returnUrl provided in the initial payment charge creation request.

The payment charge will remain in the AUTHENTICATION_PENDING state until the consumer confirms the payment.

After the consumer is redirected back to your site, check the payment status by making a GET /v1/payment-charges/{paymentChargeId}. Use the Status that you received to display the payment outcome to the consumer.

Webhooks are also sent to inform you of the payment outcome. If the shopper closes the browser and doesn't return to your website, you can rely on webhooks to receive the payment result.


The payment charge will remain in the AUTHENTICATION_PENDING state until the consumer confirms the payment.

check the payment status by making a GET /v1/payment-charges/{paymentChargeId}. Use the Status that you received to display the payment outcome to the consumer.

Webhooks are also sent to inform you of the payment outcome.