
Satispay, with 3.5 million users and a 50% YoY growth rate, leads the mobile payments market in Italy. The app offers a variety of digital payment services, including e-commerce, in-store transactions, peer-to-peer payments, and additional features like mobile top-ups, fines, tax payments, donations, and savings. Learn more about Satispay.

Payment method properties

Processing currenciesEUR
Consumer currenciesEUR
Settlement currenciesEUR
Minimum payment amount0.01 EUR
Maximum payment amount99,999.99 EUR
Recurring paymentsNo
Separate capturesNo
RefundFull - Partial - Multiple
Refund validity90 days
Sandbox availabilityPPRO Mock processor

Make a Satispay payment

Satispay is available through follow our standardized REDIRECT, APP_INTENT and SCAN_CODE flows. Enabling you to offer a seamless desktop or in-store QR code to mobile handoff, as well as a smooth app-to-app experience.

To create a Satispay payment, you'll need to provide the following data at minimum when calling our /v1/payment-charges API:

Data FieldRequiredDescription
amount.valueYThe amount to be paid in the smallest units of the currency used.
consumer.nameYFull name of the consumer.
consumer.countryYThe country where the consumer is shopping.
authenticationSettings: REDIRECT
CAdd the URL where the consumer should be redirected after they complete the payment. Required for the REDIRECT flow.
authenticationSettings: SCAN_CODE
CProvide the expiration Required for the SCAN_CODE flow.
authenticationSettings: APP_INTENT
CAdd the URI to open the specific app and trigger the actions inside. Required for the APP_INTENT flow.


POST /v1/payment-charges

  "paymentMethod": "SATISPAY",
  "amount": {
    "value": 1000,
    "currency": "EUR"
  "consumer": {
    "name": "John Smith",
    "country": "IT"
  "authenticationSettings": [
      "type": "REDIRECT",
      "settings": {
        "returnUrl": ""
      "type": "SCAN_CODE",
      "settings": {
        "scanBy": "2025-03-26T20:24:27Z"
      "type": "APP_INTENT",
      "settings": {
        "mobileIntentUri": "webShop://orderResultScreen"


You'll receive our standard payment charge response (see potential responses in the API Reference) with the available authentication methods.

  "id": "charge_X0O78tadFHrZCbGhkycPk",
  // ...
  "authenticationMethods": [
      "type": "REDIRECT",
      "details": {
        "requestUrl": "",
        "requestMethod": "GET"
      "type": "SCAN_CODE",
      "details": {
        "codePayload": "satispay://open/paymentrequest?amount=1000&currency=EUR&from=QR",
        "codeImage": "",
        "codeDocument": "",
        "scanBy": "2023-03-26T20:24:27Z",
        "codeType": "QR"
      "type": "APP_INTENT",
      "details": {
        "requestUrl": "satispay://open/paymentrequest?amount=1000&currency=EUR"

Pick the desired authentication method


    1. Redirect your consumer to the returned $.authenticationMethods[?(@.type == "REDIRECT")].details.requestUrl.
    2. For example, with the value of using the returned $.authenticationMethods[?(@.type == "REDIRECT")].details.requestMethod HTTP method.

    1. Render the QR code using one of the techniques available.
    2. The consumer will scan the QR code using the Satispay app to complete the payment.

    1. Use the intent system on Android or a similar mechanism on iOS to trigger the URI
    2. The consumer will be taken to the Satispay app to complete the payment.

Handling the payment result

    1. Once the consumer has confirmed the payment, they are redirected to the returnUrl provided in the initial payment charge creation request.
    2. After the consumer is redirected back to your site, check the payment status by making a GET /v1/payment-charges/{paymentChargeId}. Use the Status that you received to display the payment outcome to the consumer.
    3. Webhooks are also sent to inform you of the payment outcome. If the shopper closes the browser and doesn't return to your website, you can rely on webhooks to receive the payment result.
    1. Check the payment status by making a GET /v1/payment-charges/{paymentChargeId}. Use the Status that you received to display the payment outcome to the consumer.
    2. Webhooks are also sent to inform you of the payment outcome.
    1. Once the consumer has confirmed the payment, they are returned to the mobileIntentUri provided in the initial payment charge creation request.
    2. After the consumer is redirected back to your app, check the payment status by making a GET /v1/payment-charges/{paymentChargeId}. Use the Status that you received to display the payment outcome to the consumer.
    3. Webhooks are also sent to inform you of the payment outcome. If the shopper closes the browser and doesn't return to your website, you can rely on webhooks to receive the payment result.