BLIK is a popular payment method in Poland, embedded in various mobile banking apps. Consumers use their Banking App to obtain a secure 6-digit code or opt for BLIK OneClick, that allows consumers to pay without the 6-digit code. Learn more about BLIK

Payment Method Properties

Processing currenciesPLN
Consumer currenciesPLN
Settlement currenciesPLN
Authentication MethodsREDIRECT, MULTI_FACTOR
Minimum payment amount0.01 PLN
Maximum payment amount50,000.00 PLN (can vary by bank)
Recurring paymentsNo
Separate capturesNo
RefundFull - Partial - Multiple
Refund validity13 months
Sandbox availabilityBLIK sandbox

Make a payment

We offer BLIK payments through our standard redirection-based flow, as well as an option where the consumer selects BLIK as the payment method on your website and enters the 6-digit BLIK code to complete the payment seamlessly.

When a user chooses BLIK as their payment method on your website:

  1. You can simply redirect the consumer to the request url, where they enter the 6-digit BLIK code (this is the REDIRECT authentication method)
  2. Or alternatively, the consumer enters the 6-digit BLIK code into your payment form itself, and selects Pay (this is the MULTI_FACTOR authentication method where the consumer seamlessly completes the whole journey on your App or Web store)
  3. Either ways, the 6-digit BLIK code is shown to the Consumer in their own banking applications & is valid for 120 seconds.
  4. Once the consumer selects Pay, BLIK sends a push notification to the consumers banking app
  5. The consumer authorizes the payment in their banking app with a PIN, they must authorize within 45 seconds

POST /v1/payment-charges


	"paymentMethod": "BLIK",
	"amount": {
		"value": 1000,
		"currency": "PLN"
	"consumer": {
		"name": "John Smith",
		"country": "PL"
	"merchantPaymentChargeReference": "YOUR_ORDER_NUMBER",
	"paymentDescriptor": "YOUR_PAYMENT_DESCRIPTOR",
	"authenticationSettings": [
			"type": "REDIRECT",
			"settings": {
				"returnUrl": ""  
			"type": "MULTI_FACTOR",
			"settings": {}
	"webhooksUrl": ""
  "paymentMethod": "BLIK",
  "amount": {
    "value": 1000,
    "currency": "PLN"
  "consumer": {
    "name": "John Smith",
    "country": "PL"
  "merchantPaymentChargeReference": "YOUR_ORDER_NUMBER",
  "paymentDescriptor": "YOUR_PAYMENT_DESCRIPTOR",
  "authenticationSettings": [
      "type": "REDIRECT",
      "settings": {
        "returnUrl": ""
  "webhooksUrl": ""


	"id": "charge_QnwSXcWllKrvhUzEguG44",
	"authenticationMethods": [
			"details": {
				"requestUrl": "",
				"requestMethod": "POST"
			"type": "REDIRECT"
			"details": {},
			"type": "MULTI_FACTOR"

Pick the desired Authentication Method

  1. REDIRECT: Redirect your consumer to the returned $.authenticationMethods[?(@.type == "REDIRECT")].details.requestUrl, for example, with the value of using the returned $.authenticationMethods[?(@.type == "REDIRECT")].details.requestMethod HTTP method.


    1. Ask your consumer for the 6-digits BLIK verification code.

    2. Issue the following request:

      POST /v1/payment-charges/{paymentChargeId}/authorizations
        "authenticationResult": {
          "type": "MULTI_FACTOR",
          "details: {
            "verificationCode": "124567"

Show the waiting screen & present the payment result

  1. For the REDIRECT flow, after the successful payment operation, the consumer will be automatically redirected to the return URL as specified by your side.
  2. For the MULTI_FACTOR flow, check the response from the POST /v1/payment-charges/{paymentChargeId}/authorizations and if the status field is AUTHORIZED, then show a successful message, if not, show the associated error message.

Test and go live

To test BLIK successful payment use BLIK code 777 123