
Afterpay is a Buy Now, Pay Later payment method popular in the United States. When the consumer chooses to pay with Afterpay, they simply enter their personal information for a risk check and, if they are approved, Afterpay pays you up front. Consumers later pay back Afterpay in 4 interest-free installments. Learn more.

Processing currenciesUSD
Consumer currenciesUSD
Settlement currenciesUSD
Minimum payment amountConfigured per merchant
Maximum payment amountConfigured per merchant
Recurring paymentsNo
Separate capturesNo
Timeout4 hours
Refund TypesFull - Partial - Multiple partial
Refund Validity120 days
Sandbox AvailabilityAfterpay native sandbox


Integrating Afterpay into your checkout

You can use Afterpay's messaging widget to optimize how Afterpay is displayed in your checkout and ensure you are always compliant with Afterpay's terms of service.

Make an Afterpay Payment


To make a payment with Afterpay, you'll need to provide the following data at minimum when you call our Payment Charges API:

Data FieldRequiredDescription
amount.valueYThe amount to be paid in the smallest units of the currency used.
amount.currencyYThe currency used for the payment
consumer.nameYThe full name of the consumer
consumer.emailYThe consumer's email address
consumer.countryYThe country where the consumer is shopping
order.orderReferenceNumberYYour order reference id provided to the consumer
order.shippingAddressYThe shipping address to deliver the goods
consumer.billingAddressIt is recommended to include a billing address for the consumer
order.orderItemsYou can list all order items with name, quantity and amount for each
webhooksUrlYou should include the endpoint url where you want to receive webhooks for updates to the payment charge.

POST /v1/payment-charges

    "paymentMethod": "AFTERPAY",
    "amount": {
        "value": 1000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "consumer": {
        "name": "Connor Summer",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "country": "US",
        "billingAddress": {
            "firstName": "Connor",
            "lastName": "Summer",
            "street": "First Street 1",
            "postalCode": "03240",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "region": "California",
            "country": "US"
    "order": {
       "orderItems": [
              "name": "White T-Shirt",
              "quantity": 1,
              "amount": 1000
      "orderReferenceNumber": "13412943298",
       "shippingAddress": {
           "firstName": "Connor",
           "lastName": "Summer",
           "street": "Maple Street 10",
           "postalCode": "41460",
           "city": "San Mateo",
           "region": "California",
           "country": "US"
    "webhooksUrl": "https://your-webhooks-endpoint/",
    "authenticationSettings": [
            "type": "REDIRECT",
            "settings": {
                "returnUrl": ""


You'll receive one of our standard payment charge responses (see potential responses in the API Reference)

  "id": "charge_SFixoMZGlaD7qEwhnIVSL",
  "authenticationMethods": [
      "type": "REDIRECT",
      "details": {
        "requestUrl": "",
        "requestMethod": "GET",

Consumer Authentication

Afterpay requires authentication by the consumer, which they do by logging into their Afterpay account and approving the installment plan there. You will receive a redirect link to send the consumer to this login page. Learn more about the REDIRECT authentication type in the Payment Authentication guide.

The authenticationMethods array in the response will contain a REDIRECT authentication type. You will need to redirect their browser to the link provided in the requestUrl field of the authenticationMethod details.

Handling the Payment Result

The payment charge will remain in the AUTHENTICATION_PENDING state until the consumer logs in to their Afterpay account and accepts the payment plan. After this, the charge will transition to the CAPTURED state automatically.

The consumer will be redirected to the authenticationMethods.settings.returnUrl provided in the initial payment charge creation request, depending on whether the authorization is a success, a failure or if the user cancelled/aborted the flow.

If the consumer fails to authenticate the payment within the timeout window, the charge will transition to the DISCARDED state.

You can receive webhooks for all changes to the payment charge state and use these to build business logic such as delivering the goods when the charge is CAPTURED.