Accessing the PPRO Dashboard

First-time access

To gain access to the PPRO Dashboard, contact your account manager.

  • Step 1: Check your invite email
    Check your inbox for an invitation from [email protected]. This email contains a link to the PPRO Dashboard and a temporary password. Temporary password expires after 7 days.
  • Step 2: Sign in to the Dashboard
    Sign in to the PPRO Dashboard using your email address and temporary password.
  • Step 3: Change your password
    You'll be prompted to create a new password to ensure the security of your account.

Forgotten/Reset password

If you've forgotten or want to change your password, use the 'Forgot your password?' link of the sign in page.

  • Step 1: Forgot you password
    Enter your email address after selecting the 'Forgot your password?' link on the PPRO Dashboard sign in page.
  • Step 2: Check your verification code email
    Check your inbox for a verification code from [email protected]. This email contains a link to the PPRO Dashboard and a 6 digit verification code. Verification codes are valid for 24 hours.
  • Step 3: Reset your password
    Enter the verification code and a new password.
  • Step 4: Sign in to the Dashboard
    Sign in to the PPRO Dashboard using your email address and new password.