This section describes the methods and specific parameters of the Boarding Platform.

For the full schema of PPRO's boarding API, see the XSD file in the link below:

Onboard Simple API

Common boarding input parameters

These parameters are passed for every Boarding Platform call.

Field NameM/OTypeDescription
loginMasciiThe PPRO-provided login
passwordMasciiThe PPRO-provided password

Common boarding output parameters

These parameters are returned for every Boarding Platform call.

Field NameTypeDescription
statusasciiInforms the partner whether the call has been performed successfully with the intended effect or failed due to errors, e.g. technical or input data errors.

Possible values:
reasonasciiIf the status is SUCCEEDED, this parameter is empty. If the status is FAILED, this parameter holds one of the reasons:

detailsasciiIf the status is SUCCEEDED, this parameter is empty. If the status is FAILED, this parameter contains further details about the fail reason.