The merchant data is sent as an additional input parameter:

merchantbase64Base64 encoded Merchant XML message.


The Element types are specified in the submit call.

Unique merchant reference, assigned by the submitting partner.
This reference is used in all method calls regarding the merchant.
NotificationURLascii1URL notifications are posted to when there is a status change.
BusinessDetailsBusinessDetails1Business details of the merchant.
LegalEntityLegalEntity1Legal entity containing the merchant information.
PricingGroupPricingGroup0..1he pricing group to be used for this merchant. This shall not be used in case the merchant is associated to a platform, i.e. it has a non-empty PlatformReference field.

Example Request

        <PaymentDescriptor>Musical Instruments</PaymentDescriptor>
        <Name>Any Artist Name</Name>
                <AddressLine>Any Street 888</AddressLine>
            <City>Any City</City>
            <State>Any State</State>
                    <AddressLine>Any Street 123</AddressLine>
                <City>Any City</City>
                <State>Any State</State>