PPRO provides a set of intuitive, powerful, and flexible RESTful APIs
All endpoints support JSON payloads and adhere to standard HTTP methods (such as GET, POST, etc.) to facilitate customer interactions. This section introduces key concepts for effectively using our APIs.
Common API functionality
API Authentication: All PPRO APIs require a Bearer Token for authentication. Upon creating your PPRO account, you will receive two API secret keys: one for Live APIs and another for Sandbox APIs. For more details, refer here.
Standard Errors: PPRO’s RESTful APIs return standard HTTP error status codes (e.g., 4xx for client errors). To provide additional context, a standard error envelope is included with the response. For more information, refer here.
Rate Limiting: To maintain stable service for all customers, each customer is allowed up to 200 read requests per second and 200 write requests per second in PPRO’s live environment. Higher limits can be configured upon request. In the sandbox environment, the limit is reduced to 5 requests per second. For more details, refer here.